
Monday, 22 August 2016

AWS Lambda, ASK API Cut Amazon Echo Development Times

 AWS Lambda, ASK API cut Amazon Echo development times:
The beta version of Amazon Eco revealed some new uses for the device activated by the popular voice. Our expert explains how to configure and why is instrumental in ASK API functionality.

A new development in Lambda is AWS API Kit Skill Alexa, who did the developers of the beta version of the Echo program could play. The team includes voice recognition and provides a natural program text to speech synthesis. But it is not perfect; It lacks some basic tasks of end users may ask. Enter API ASK - a key development in the Echo.

ASK API allows developers to write software to meet user input and returns Echo responses developers spoken to the user. With ASK, developers need an API for Echo to call functions, but you can also use Amazon Web Services (AWS) Lambda. This means that if the software is used, it costs nothing. If used, AWS customers pay for IT resources they use. Many companies fall in the use of floating bearing as Amazon allows millions of function calls per month.

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